Rabbitmq the message broker following AMQP protocol

Asynchronous tasks are everywhere ion web applications, to manage long runnig tasks or to ease failed and retry of other tasks. Since I discovered RabbitMQ, I'm using it on many project, some simple use but other with tedious setup. I also manage the server. On this page, I share my experience with these blog posts.

Control the number of retries of a message with x-death header in RabbitMQ

Sometimes the processing of a message causes an error. In this case, it is common to move this message to another queue to try to process it later. All this, can be automated in RabbitMQ with the DLX / DLK option and the application of a TTL. But be careful not to create an infinite loop of attempted treatment, in this article I will introduce x-death header to control the number of retries.