All posts about relational database like MySQL and NoSQL with Elasticsearch

What is an application without data. I'm not talking of BigData, but current data of a project that we need to store and use. From relational database mostly with MySQL or MariaDB to persist transactional data in longterm to NoSQL use with Elasticsearch to speed up application but also to use advanced features to facilitate search or dashboard creation. This is the main purpose of posts in this category.

Manipulate MySQL8 JSON colums Part 1: simple array

MySQL 8 has introduced an advanced support of JSON type and functions. The documentation is complete for the functions but I found the examples not very helpful and too much theorical. The idea here is to show, with a real, but simplified, database some things we can do with this format. In this first article, we will manipulate a JSON colums containing a simple array.

Use linux account to get secure connection to MySQL and MariaBD without password

No need to remember your password to connect to a linux server, SSH keys provide authentication. We can have the same thing on MySQL and MariaDB. With a plugin, the database server trusts the credentials of the linux system, you only need mysql account with the same name as the linux account and the password disappears from the connection. It is ideal on a development server with multiple users and it greatly facilitates the management of accounts, even if we forget to delete the mysql account, deletion of the linux account is enough.

Apply CI / CD principles to SQL migrations with Jenkins and some bash

Writing unit or functional tests on code has almost become a standard. Having a server that automates the verification of these tests and deploys the code is the goal of many development teams. Despite this, these good practices are rarely implemented for database schema migrations. In this article, I'll show you how with a little bash and Jenkins, I test and automate my SQL migrations.